new book from MIT Press:

"Game Theory and the Humanities
Bridging Two Worlds
Steven J. Brams

 Table of Contents

Game theory models are ubiquitous in economics, common in political science, 
and increasingly used in psychology and sociology; in evolutionary biology, 
they offer compelling explanations for competition in nature. But game theory 
has been only sporadically applied to the humanities; indeed, we almost never 
associate mathematical calculations of strategic choice with the worlds of 
literature, history, and philosophy. And yet, as Steven Brams shows, game 
theory can illuminate the rational choices made by characters in texts ranging 
from the Bible to Joseph Heller's Catch-22 and can explicate strategic 
questions in law, history, and philosophy. 

Brams's strategic exegesis of texts helps the reader relate characters' goals 
to their choices and the consequences of those choices. Much of his analysis is 
based on the theory of moves (TOM), which is grounded in game theory, and which 
he develops gradually and applies systematically throughout. TOM illuminates 
the dynamics of player choices, including their misperceptions, deceptions, and 
uses of different kinds of power.

Brams examines such topics as Abraham's decision to offer his son for sacrifice 
when God commanded him to do so; the outcome and payoff matrix of Pascal's 
wager on the existence of God; and the strategic games played by presidents and 
Supreme Court justices; frustration games, as illustrated by the strategic use 
of sexual abstinence in Aristophanes's Lysistrata; and how information was 
slowly uncovered in the game played by Hamlet and Claudius. Going beyond the 
explication of these specific situations, Brams also derives propositions about 
"generic games," applicable to a broad class of situations. The reader gains 
not just new insights into the actions of certain literary and historical 
characters but also a larger strategic perspective on the choices that make us 

About the Author

Steven J. Brams is Professor of Politics at New York University.

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