You're so correct.

Like Mao, Maharishi killed 49-78 million people. I remember it so well

Like you I still pour over the speeches
of Mao to see what the TMO can still do
to enlighten the world of the blind.
I am particularly fond of "On the Correct
Handling of Contradictions  among the People"
February 27, 1957
That one was great reading and was the basis
for "eliminating" 800,000 "evil deniers".

I only left the TMO because there was no one
opposing MMY who was left to kill.

Weren't you there having fun too?

Mao Ze-Dong,
Tibet 1959, Purging Superstitions
China 1958-61, the Great Leap Forward
1966-76, the Cultural Revolution

RC quote:

  Not only this, having been very interested in Mao as a charismatic
leader (with a mystical stature similar to Maharishi's), I find when I
read Curtis making this comparison nothing disturbed in the universe,
nothing disturbed in my mind—and you see, if what Curtis was saying
here was, objectively, false to reality—at least in some obvious
way—we would sense this discordance. As it happens, I think it is a
meaningful comparison.

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