On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 5:30 PM, wgm4u <wg...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "martyboi" <martyboi@...> wrote:
> >
> > I think the election of Kennedy (Catholic) and Obama (mixed ethnicity)
> has shown that the electorate can deflate the common "wisdom" about the kind
> of person that is electable: making the future quite unpredictable. Romney's
> religious orientation vis-a-vis Obama's "socialism"  may be perceived as the
> lesser of two evils by quite a large number of people. Whomever is elected
> is going to "experience some roughness in activity."
I believe that Obama will have been shown in the future to have set "Equal
Opportunity" back 50 years.  Never, for another 50 years will there be a
mixed ethnicity ever considered for president again.  Obama, a high yeller,
showed how blacks feel about gays.  And, keeping promises. And what an
affirmative action education gets someone.   He's shown us that blacks and
mulattos are bigots in their own right and can't, in the current parlance,
"man up" to do the right thing or go out on a limb.   When Obama dies or is
voted out of office, which ever comes first, the blacklash will be
tremendous.  Look for the dismantling of affirmative action, quotas and so
on.   Suddenly blacks are deciding that Obama's not such a good president or
role model after all.   Can a Mormon win the presidency?   Yes.  Mormons
don't go to churches in Chicago for decades which preach anti-American
sermons.   In the future we'll pay more attention to the man (or woman) and
less to their slogans.   Hope and Change?   I hope I can get some spare
change today.

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