On 08/20/2011 07:40 AM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:
>>> Why don't you explain to us how you're
>>> going to feed yourself if the U.S.
>>> economy collapses?
> Bhairitu:
>> I can walk to the local grocery store(s).
> You'll be doing a lot of walking after you
> fail to pay your mortage, if the U.S. economy
> collapses. But, you can forget finding much
> on store shelves if that happens!
> With a collapsed U.S. economy, you will be
> homeless in about a month. That is, unless
> you try to arm yourself to fight for your
> property. Good luck with that. LoL!

Explain to me how I will be homeless if the bank I pay my mortgage to no 
longer exists?

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