--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert <babajii_99@...> wrote:
> From my understanding of 'Why' Barack Obama is and will be President again:
> Is Because:
> He is a 'moderatiing force' in the time of 'great turmoil' , that we are 
> experiencing on all levels with the coming of the year: 2012, and the end of 
> the Mayan Calender, signifying the end of an old time, and the beginning of a 
> 'New Time'...
> In the new time, time will begin to be experienced as proposed in 'Einstein's 
> Theory of Relativity'...that of being 'Flexible'...
> The inner field of the light of consciousness will be more readily available 
> to the 'World dPopulation'...
> This means as 'Time' is experienced in it's relativity, more and more people 
> will be encouraged to 'Follow their Heart' , or 'Follow their Bliss' as we 
> see more of  the younger generation, fulfilling their hearts and souls this 
> way, around the world, and further, the younger ones are establishing, in 
> their hearts: Less prejudice in general to people different from them, but 
> rather a curiousity about people from different cultures, backrounds and 
> eithnic  values...
> As more and more of the 'Old Way' is being exhibited for it's 'Egoic 
> Prejudiced Values'...only striving to preserve the 'Hoarded Wealth of the 
> Rich'...
> We begin to see the 'Temptation of Power' and how it is used to as it were,
> "Keep societies stuck, while only the most wealthy, proper"...
> This way is coming to an end soon, and because President Obama is the one 
> with the most love for his family and his nation,  and because he is the one 
> who(partly because he grew up in Hawaii), that has the 'Balanced Temperment' 
> and intelligence...will be elected again...
> He has avoided most of the temptations which come with the gaining of 
> 'Worldly Power'...
> So, in conclusion, we can see why the Republicans are having so much trouble 
> finding someone to face off with President Obama...
> J.G.D.

I just sent a post on Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman, who 
appears to be the only sane and really electable GOP presidential candidate. 
But I don't think anyone will beat Obama in 2012.

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