* * Well, you were asking about a demonstration of the siddhis, Curtis; perhaps 
you just gave yourself one :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> So I'm giving a guitar lesson, and my student and I are repeating the phrase 
> "I want you to rock me" over and over again to groove it in to the shuffle 
> rhythm we are both playing.
> Then the earth responded to my blues request and my apartment started shaking 
> so violently stuff fell off the wall and my dishes clattered.
> Man, the violence that flowed through my legs!  5.8 rocking my world.
> "This must be an earthquake" I said in an incredulous voice. It lasted for 
> about 30 seconds which is a lot longer in dog years or if you are watching 
> your walls move and the floor shaking under your legs.  It got more intense 
> before it faded which heightened the fear.
> My heart was pounding as we walked out of the apartment to see if the 
> building was unstable.  It was unnerving.  In a moment life was on the edge 
> and my monkey brain knew it.  
> I guess people from Cali are more used to this, but this was the biggest in 
> about 100 years for us here near DC. The one in Japan was 1000 times more 
> powerful!  I can't imagine.

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