--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@...>
> On Aug 23, 2011, at 4:43 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
> > So I'm giving a guitar lesson, and my student and I are repeating
the phrase "I want you to rock me" over and over again to groove it in
to the shuffle rhythm we are both playing.
> >
> > Then the earth responded to my blues request and my apartment
started shaking so violently stuff fell off the wall and my dishes
> >
> > Man, the violence that flowed through my legs!  5.8 rocking my
> > "This must be an earthquake" I said in an incredulous voice. It
lasted for about 30 seconds which is a lot longer in dog years or if you
are watching your walls move and the floor shaking under your legs.  It
got more intense before it faded which heightened the fear.
> >
> > My heart was pounding as we walked out of the apartment to see if
the building was unstable.  It was unnerving.  In a moment life was on
the edge and my monkey brain knew it.
> >
> > I guess people from Cali are more used to this, but this was the
biggest in about 100 years for us here near DC. The one in Japan was
1000 times more powerful!  I can't imagine.
> Curtis, are you OK??
> Here is a picture of some of the damage
> this sucker inflicted~~have you seen this??
> I sure hope nobody got hurt!
> http://bit.ly/q85MQk
> Sal

Really funny, reminds me of my first earthquake experience which was a 3
or a 4 (pretty common in the Seattle area). The apartment complex just
swayed and rolled for a few seconds and I thought quakes were pretty
cool till I experienced the 6.8er.

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