On 08/25/2011 10:43 AM, sparaig wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu<noozguru@...>  wrote:
>> On 08/25/2011 08:35 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
>>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister<no_reply@>   wrote:
>>>> ... that Steve Jobs is a Buddhist, according to Wikipedia!
>>>> Well, I guess almost everyone knew that already...
>>> Let's hope Nabby has a PC instead of a Mac.
>>> Otherwise he'd have to be afraid of getting
>>> Buddhist cooties.
>> The way the press is going with Jobs resignation you'd think he actually
>> invented all of Apple's stuff.  From what I heard he was more a governor
>> on a lot of ideas that teams in Cupertino came up with.  Apparently he
>> likes keeping things simple so he can understand them. :-D
> Actually, Jobs' main strengths have always been to recognize and inspire 
> talent and recognize the potential for others' ideas, combined with an 
> infectious vision ("reality distortion field" was originally a reference to 
> his ability to get *engineers* fired up about a project), and a good sense of 
> marketing to the masses.
> Certainly, he doesn't have a 200 IQ like Woz is said to have, but he has the 
> ability to communicate with world-class engineers on their level combined 
> with the ability to communicate with world-class artists and designers on 
> THEIR level, AND coordinate the creation of an end-product that is more often 
> than not, world-class.
> That combination has produced many of the most popular and significant 
> products of the last 30 years, including the Apple I, ][ and \\e, the Mac, 
> NeXT/MacOS X, iPod/iPhone/iPad and of course, Toy Story&  friends.
> It has made him the most influential technologist and media mogul in the 
> world, taking Apple to become the largest company in the world and eclipsing 
> the fact that he and his team now run DIsney (seeing that he sits on the BoD, 
> is the largest shareholder, and John Lassiter of Pixar now runs the Disney 
> Animation division).
> L.

That read like an Apple PR release. :-D

Here in the Bay Area the opinion of Jobs may not be as high.   I once 
saw him give a demo of his networked development system at a multimedia 
event.  Some folks around here thought this fictional movie pretty much 
hit it on the head:

Maybe with him out of the picture Apple can gain the market share it 
should have as an alternative OS by licensing it to other companies.  
And maybe one won't need a damned Mac to build an iPhone app.  And maybe 
build the UI with more than just Obejct C.

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