On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 5:53 PM, wleed3 <wle...@aol.com> wrote:

Chaplains can't mention God or Our Lord.   Yet if you want to progress
through the ranks/ratings in most outfits/ships/bases/camps you have to
attend the same church as the <whatever> commander, praise the Lord,
sprinkle your language and your upgradings with the proper Christian cues
and of course if you're gay bring your best friend's wife or g/f to the
ball.   Does anyone remember the indoctrination the Marines at Camp
Pendlleton were receiving from their CO about gays in the military?    The
big objections where that being gay was against the religion of the recruits
and lower level officers.  But, killing isn't against their religion.
Maiming, killing wives, children, kill them all and let God sort them out is
a religious duty, respected by the entire US military hierarchy, despite
Obama's show and bravado.   So, a soldier can't address a faith based
address by a US soldier but the prez can pursue DOMA with a passion because
it's his duty as president.  So of course his implementing his DREAM act by
having Homeland Security prioritize INS hearing for those who might in the
future qualify for Obama's DREAM is his duty as well?

Heck, I even was expected to go to the same church as the astronauts during
the Apollo program and I was a civilian.

What's next?  Is he going to pardon the Indianapolis 500?

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