Will you give Enlightened a try?

How to overcome or "survive"  a breakdown? Become an "American
Check out the just released trailer for the new HBO show Enlightened,
featuring Laura Dern who plays the Amy, with her sunny, new-age outlook
as a corporate exec who suffers a breakdown, heads off to a retreat in
Hawaii and returns to work as a new person full of self help and life
affirming mantras! No, she doesn't lose everything, but now she found
herself a new life philosophy...to become an American Guru to get things
straighten out in her life...sounds familiar? [:D]
"I barely have a job, no sex life...and  a never felt better.." [O:)]

It's an intriguing concept, although  for those at FFL who are  big
believer in self improvement, I hope the show doesn't stray too far
into the `let's-make-of-the-self-help-crowd' territory.
The show launches on October 10thÂ… so will you be watching?
Another one:
When Nyutsek, a self-help guru struggling in the shadow of his truly
enlightened wife Gangly (not Gangaji [:D] )...


..may be more a "Sage Sarojini" #259493

Some people just don't have a prayer...

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