Let's briefly examine the idea that history changed course at the bombing of 
the Monte Cassino Monastery during WWII.  First, it wasn't completely 
destroyed; perhaps symbolic of the ongoing strength of the Roman Church and the 
Papacy (although severely discredited in recent decades).  Sorry,...damaged but 
not "out" unfortunately.
Second, there may be some evidence that St. Padre Pio used his supernatural 
powers to divert more bombing runs away from the Monastery (I'll try to get 
some citations on this).

Some media hypsters say that the people who fought in WWII were the "Great 
Generation" and the battle lines were clearly drawn between good and evil 
(unlike Vietnam). So something may have occurred during or shortly after WWII 
to thoroughly change the course of history.

Rather than Monte Cassino, I point to July 2, 1947, the Roswell Incident, in 
which some aliens landed at the Foster Ranch near Corona, NM (close to the 
Roswell base).  The aliens using their advanced technology created a time warp 
in which relative time actually stopped, and we are "actually" stuck in July 2, 
1947.  Everything that transpired after that is a delusional figment of the 
Aliens' imagination.

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