Do you speak Christian?
[Comments added.]

Editor's note: Kirby Ferguson is a New York-based writer, filmmaker and
speaker who created the web video series Everything is a Remix. His
videos, like the one above, can be found on Vimeo, an online community
where artists share their films.

By John Blake, CNN

(CNN)--Can you speak Christian?

Have you told anyone "I'm born again?" Have you "walked the aisle" to
"pray the prayer?"

Did you ever "name and claim" something and, after getting it,
announce, "I'm highly blessed and favored?"

Many Americans are bilingual. They speak a secular language of sports
talk, celebrity gossip and current events. But mention religion and
some become armchair preachers who pepper their conversations with
popular Christian words and trendy theological phrases.

If this is you, some Christian pastors and scholars have some bad news:
You may not know what you're talking about. They say that many
contemporary Christians have become pious parrots. They constantly
repeat Christian phrases that they don't understand or distort.

Marcus Borg, an Episcopal theologian, calls this practice "speaking
Christian." He says he heard so many people misusing terms such as
"born again" and "salvation" that he wrote a book about the practice.

People who speak Christian aren't just mangling religious terminology,
he says. They're also inventing counterfeit Christian terms such as
"the rapture" as if they were a part of essential church teaching.

The rapture, a phrase used to describe the sudden transport of true
Christians to heaven while the rest of humanity is left behind to
suffer, actually contradicts historic Christian teaching, Borg says.

"The rapture is a recent invention. Nobody had thought of what is now
known as the rapture until about 1850," says Borg, canon theologian at
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland, Oregon.

How politicians speak Christian

Speaking Christian isn't confined to religion. It's infiltrated

Political candidates have to learn how to speak Christian to win
elections, says Bill Leonard, a professor of church history at Wake
Forest University's School of Divinity in North Carolina.

One of our greatest presidents learned this early in his career.
Abraham Lincoln was running for Congress when his opponent accused him
of not being a Christian. Lincoln often referred to the Bible in his
speeches, but he never joined a church or said he was born again like
his congressional opponent, Leonard says.

"Lincoln was less specific about his own experience and, while he used
biblical language, it was less distinctively Christian or
conversionistic than many of the evangelical preachers thought it
should be," Leonard says.

Lincoln won that congressional election, but the accusation stuck with
him until his death, Leonard says.

One recent president, though, knew how to speak Christian fluently.

During his 2003 State of the Union address, George W. Bush baffled some
listeners when he declared that there was "wonder-working power" in the
goodness of American people.

Evangelical ears, though, perked up at that phrase. It was an
evangelical favorite, drawn from a popular 19^th century revival hymn
about the wonder-working power of Christ called "In the Precious Blood
of the Lamb."

Leonard says Bush was sending a coded message to evangelical voters:
I'm one of you.

"The code says that one: I'm inside the community. And two: These are
the linguistic ways that I show I believe what is required of me,"
Leonard says.

Have you 'named it and claimed it'?

Ordinary Christians do what Bush did all the time, Leonard says. They
use coded Christian terms like verbal passports--flashing them gains
you admittance to certain Christian communities.

Say you've met someone who is Pentecostal or charismatic, a group whose
members believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as healing and
speaking in tongues. If you want to signal to that person that you
share their belief, you start talking about "receiving the baptism of
the Holy Ghost" or getting the "second blessings," Leonard says.

Translation: Getting a baptism by water or sprinkling isn't enough for
some Pentecostals and charismatics. A person needs a baptism "in the
spirit" to validate their Christian credentials.

Or say you've been invited to a megachurch that proclaims the
prosperity theology (God will bless the faithful with wealth and
health). You may hear what sounds like a new language.

Prosperity Christians don't say "I want that new Mercedes." They say
they are going to "believe for a new Mercedes." They don't say "I want
a promotion." They say I "name and claim" a promotion.

The rationale behind both phrases is that what one speaks aloud in
faith will come to pass. The prosperity dialect has become so popular
that Leonard has added his own wrinkle.

"I call it 'name it, claim it, grab it and have it,' " he says with a

Some forms of speaking Christian, though, can become obsolete through
lack of use.

Few contemporary pastors use the language of damnation--"turn or
burn," converting "the pagans" or warning people they're going to hit
"hell wide open"--because it's considered too polarizing, Leonard
says. The language of "walking the aisle" is also fading, Leonard says.

Appalachian and Southern Christians often told stories about staggering
into church and walking forward during the altar call to say the
"sinner's prayer" during revival services that would often last for
several weeks.

"People 'testified' to holding on to the pew until their knuckles
turned white, fighting salvation all the way," Leonard says. "You were
in the back of the church, and you fought being saved."

Contemporary churchgoers, though, no longer have time to take that
walk, Leonard says. They consider their lives too busy for long revival
services and extended altar calls. Many churches are either jettisoning
or streamlining the altar call, Leonard says.

"You got soccer, you got PTA, you got family responsibilities-"he
culture just won't sustain it as it once did," Leonard says.

Even some of the most basic religious words are in jeopardy because of

Calling yourself a Christian, for example, is no longer cool among
evangelicals on college campuses, says Robert Crosby, a theology
professor at Southeastern University in Florida.

"Fewer believers are referring to themselves these days as 'Christian,'
" Crosby says. "More are using terms such as 'Christ follower.' This is
due to the fact that the more generic term, Christian, has come to be
used within religious and even political ways to refer to a voting

What's at stake

Speaking Christian correctly may seem like it's just a fuss over
semantics, but it's ultimately about something bigger: defining
Christianity, says Borg, author of "Speaking Christian."

Christians use common words and phrases in hymns, prayers and sermons
"to connect their religion to their life in the world," Borg says.

"Speaking Christian is an umbrella term for not only knowing the words,
but understanding them," Borg says. "It's knowing the basic vocabulary,
knowing the basic stories."

When Christians forget what their words mean, they forget what their
faith means, Borg says.

Consider the word "salvation." Most Christians use the words
"salvation" or "saved" to talk about being rescued from sin or going to
heaven, Borg says.

Yet salvation in the Bible is seldom confined to an afterlife. Those
characters in the Bible who invoked the word salvation used it to
describe the passage from injustice to justice, like the Israelites'
liberation from Egyptian bondage, Borg says.

"The Bible knows that powerful and wealthy elites commonly structure
the world in their own self-interest. Pharaoh and Herod and Caesar are
still with us. From them we need to be saved," Borg writes.

And when Christians forget what their faith means, they get duped by
trendy terms such as the rapture that have little to do with historical
Christianity, he says.

The rapture has become an accepted part of the Christian vocabulary
with the publication of the megaselling "Left Behind" novels and a
heavily publicized prediction earlier this year by a Christian radio
broadcaster that the rapture would occur in May.

But the notion that Christians will abandon the Earth to meet Jesus in
the clouds while others are left behind to suffer is not traditional
Christian teaching, Borg says.

He says it was first proclaimed by John Nelson Darby, a 19^th century
British evangelist, who thought of it after reading a New Testament
passage in the first book of Thessalonians that described true
believers being "caught up in the clouds together" with Jesus.

Christianity's focus has long been about ushering in God's kingdom "on
Earth, not just in heaven," Borg says.

"Christianity's goal is not to escape from this world. It loves this
world and seeks to change it for the better," he writes.

For now, though, Borg and others are also focusing on changing how
Christians talk about their faith.

If you don't want to speak Christian, they say, pay attention to how
Christianity's founder spoke. Jesus spoke in a way that drew people in,
says Leonard, the Wake Forest professor.

"He used stories, parables and metaphors," Leonard says. "He
communicated in images that both the religious folks and nonreligious
folks of his day understand."

When Christians develop their own private language for one another,
they forget how Jesus made faith accessible to ordinary people, he

"Speaking Christian can become a way of suggesting a kind of spiritual
status that others don't have," he says. "It communicates a kind of
spiritual elitism that holds the spiritually 'unwashed' at arm's

By that time, they've reached the final stage of speaking Christian -
they've become spiritual snobs.

John Blake--CNN Writer 

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