Excellent thoughts here.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" <dick.richardson@...> wrote:
> Walking?
> [ Thich Nhat Hanh: The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is
> to walk
> on the green earth in the present moment, to appreciate the peace and
> beauty
> that are available now. Gnostic Tom. ]
> Nearly ten years ago now somebody on a yahoo group asked me what the
> most wondrous mystical experience EVER was. I told them that it was to
> sit under a tree in the sunshine, with not a care in the world, and to
> watch the world around you and listen to the kids laughing.  They said
> Dick, that is not a mystical experience, you are nuts. I told them it
> was and I was banned from the group. There is nothing anywhere (known to
> me) more amazing, wondrous, impossible, than being right here and now.
> They do not seem to know that all mystical and transcendent experience
> does a circle and comes back here again - GROUNDED.
> I could not agree with you more on that one.
> rwr

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