The contrast was amazing. It's all about the light IMO.

Flying back today, I discovered that (rarely) the temp-
erature in both places was the same. But the way that
people were dressed, and the way they carried themselves,
was totally different. 

In Barcelona, for example, I got to rediscover that women
have legs. I had begun to wonder, living in Holland. Short
skirts or shorts everywhere. Very entertaining. So much so
that today, on the way back from Schiphol airport to my 
home, I made a point of counting the number of pairs of 
bare female legs -- as opposed to those covered by tights, 
leggings, jeans, or other forms of clothing -- I saw along
the way. I got as high as 2. Same temperature. Different 
relationship to warmth, and to light. 

The light in Spain makes people aware of their bodies,
and that they inhabit them. Most celebrate this awareness.
Here, they tend to want to cover it up. 

Personally, given that the church Calvin used to teach
in here in the Netherlands is now surrounded on all sides
by Amsterdam's red light district, and thus by scantily-clad
women in windows, I hope the sucker is tossing and turning
in his grave, unable to find rest. He really messed up the
sensibilities of this country in terms of what should be
considered "proper attire" on a day like this and what 
should not.

And, when you think of it, the Spanish had to deal with
the Spanish Inquisition, and *their* ideas of what is 
proper and what is not. They got over it. Holland still
IMO has never quite gotten over Calvin. His spiritual
teaching was the antithesis of light.

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