The two that worked looked good and I hope you get the others working.

I grew up in farm country, southeastern Washington which is not so 
different from the mid-west except the Bible thumpers were considered 
the town wackos.  I've seen those old steam tractors in the local 
museums, county fairs, parades and rusting away in farm fields.  I have 
pictures of my great grandfather's wheat harvest where they used them.

On 09/27/2011 09:08 PM, raunchydog wrote:
> One of the charms of living in Iowa is time traveling in farmer consciousness 
> to The Old Threshers Reunion in Mt. Pleasant.  Every year the whole town 
> pitches in to host over 100,000 visitors. Out-of-towners bring buggies and 
> babies, tractors and trailers, camping out through Labor Day to experience 
> the rich agricultural heritage of the Midwest. If you're not wearing bibs and 
> boots, you're just a tourist.
> Old Threshers is a slice of Americana's forgotten steam engines, 
> putt-putt-popping, sputtering engines small enough to churn your butter and 
> wash your clothes or large enough to harvest grain.  Gigantic screeching, 
> clanging  trains and threshing machines let off steam, toot-toot tooting 
> ear-piercing whistles, coming alive as rusty ghosts, newly painted and oiled.
> Old Thresher Reunion videos, edited with a Flip camera:
> Steam Engines
> Train Robbery
> Rainy Day
> After the Rain with Kids

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