The Son of the Father Symbol

And while we are on that bloody dangerous symbolism CRAP let us do the
other bit, the frigging Son (not the sun) bit. I am the son (incarnate
progeny) of  I AM.  They seem to know fuck all about the Trinity of our
manifestation and being do they, blind as bats in a dark cave mate, and
without radar. Talk about bloody Plato's dark cave of shadows :-
)))) They do ALL their learning from bloody silly books NOT LIFE ! They
repeat things and copy each other like bloody sheep – Lemmings
running off the edge of a cliff.  Or dancing to the tune of the Pied
bloody Piper. Jasus bloody Ker-Riced the world of humanity has gone NUTS
! Here we go gathering nuts in may ! Just like groups now where they all
cut and past but have fuck all to say for themselves.

Let us do the other bit as well, the holy fucking ghost. That is LIFE
and CONSCIOUSNESS. You will never ever ever ever find either of them !!!

I AM the father and I am the son, and I AM LIFE and I AM consciousness.
Gawd they are DIM aint they.  I AM not a mystery and I am not a mystery
but LIFE and Consciousness IS a mystery; an ETERNAL mystery. (mysticism)
Know your SELF and you will know Eternity and deepest depths of THE ALL,
and you will know that life and consciousness sprung up from out of the
dark nebular move stuff in paradise. GO HOME and find out. It is ever
waiting for you. I will be with you until the end of time and beyond.

They don't understand fuck all do they !  Ppphhht:>!   THAT is what
religion and priestcraft did for them – mangled their bloody brains.
And they inflict it on to their progeny. Poor bastards ! Cut the chain
and walk free amigos, a New kind of man is coming – Homo Ensophicus

Dick Richardson

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