Ah, its all about you. My mistake - My apologies for trying to engage. Got it - 
I won't disturb the magnificent echo of your solitary voice again.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "rwr" <dick.richardson@...> wrote:
> And pause for reflection
> Well, maybe the events of yesterday on three of the most notoriously
> idiotic groups on the internet might make those who think, or hope, that
> any evolutionary advancement in the human collective condition will come
> sooner rather than later reasons for pause for thought and reflection on
> that. Far later is much more likely than anywhere in the near future
> – even though evolution rumbles on SLOW. Baring miracles such as
> pigs flying of course. Hence the practicality of walking alone and not
> trying to drag a mob along with you. One can find more culture and
> intelligence quota painted on the walls of prehistoric caves.  Give to
> the mob that which is befitting and due to the mob, and keep for
> yourself that which is your own.  For they will only shit all over it.
> And silence is golden.
> rwr

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