I'm sure that the protest solved major economic problems, and that if the 
people protesting were in charge of business and major economic policies, the 
whole economic mess we have would have never occurred.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Welcome login <https://occupywallst.org/login/>  | signup
> <https://occupywallst.org/signup/>   [Raised Fist]   OccupyWallStreet
> <https://occupywallst.org/>  The resistance continues at Liberty Square
> and Nationwide <http://occupytogether.org/> !
>     * News <https://occupywallst.org/>
>     * LiveStream <http://www.livestream.com/globalrevolution>
>     * Forum <https://occupywallst.org/forum/>
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>     * User Map <https://occupywallst.org/attendees/>
>     * NYCGA <http://nycga.cc/>
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>     * Donate <http://nycga.cc/?page_id=377>
>     *  <http://www.facebook.com/OccupyWallSt>  
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> <http://www.reddit.com/r/occupywallstreet/>
> Greetings from Occupied Wall Street,
> <https://occupywallst.org/article/greetings-occupied-wall-street/>
> Posted Sept. 30, 2011, 5:06 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
> <https://occupywallst.org/users/OccupyWallSt/>
> Occupy Wall Street has recently come into the media spotlight, not
> because of our political message, but because certain high-ranking
> members of the NYPD punched, threw, and stepped on peaceful marchers.
> Arrestees were handcuffed so tight their hands turned blue. Many of
> these people have yet to regain feeling in their extremities. A senior
> police officer infamously forced women into pens and maced them at
> point-blank range. While we vehemently condemn these abuses of power, we
> urge all who read this to remain focused on our intended message. Abuse
> of power is abuse of power. Whether perpetrated by Wall Street bankers
> or members of the NYPD, it is the duty of all citizens to oppose
> injustice. We condemn the actions of unprofessional police who used
> excessive force in subduing a peaceful march. But we are foremost here
> to oppose the growing power of the ruling class.
> Let us also be clear that, when approached as individuals, members of
> the NYPD have expressed solidarity with our cause. It has been inspiring
> to receive this support. Over these thirteen days, we have learned that
> no one supports corporations' disproportionate influence in the
> political sphere. We have learned that no one is in favor of evicting
> struggling families to the street while banks continue to profit. No
> one, that is, except the corporations and banks. We urge members of the
> NYPD to remain in solidarity with our cause. These men and women could
> lose their pensions and benefits during the next round of budget cuts.
> We ask that members of the NYPD treat all peaceful human beings with
> respect and care. This will be a great step towards reclaiming power for
> the working class. Those who profit off the suffering of others will
> held accountable. We are the 99%, and we are too big to fail.
> Tonight we march to One Police Plaza.
> <https://occupywallst.org/article/greetings-occupied-wall-street/#commen\
> ts>
> Day 12 <https://occupywallst.org/article/day-12/>
> Posted Sept. 29, 2011, 10:26 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
> <https://occupywallst.org/users/OccupyWallSt/>
>   [Liberty Square Layout] 
> <https://occupywallst.org/media/img/LibertyPlaza500.jpg>

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