Since someone brought up the issue of colon cancer screening, I guess it's
safe to talk about another worry, prostate cancer.

I am definitely for early PSA screening.   The proponents are against it
because cancer is such a mess and though 18 y/o males when autopsied for
other reasons show the early stages of prostate cancer, most men will
succumb to other causes before prostate cancer gets them.  Indeed, being
biopsied for prostate cancer after getting a high PSA reading can
conceivably spread the cancer which was best left alone.

There appears to be a way to keep prostate cancer at bay if not kill it off
completely.   Having tried all sorts of natural remedies like 100 grams of
Vitamin C infusions 3 times a week and even taking a very dangerous compound
banned in the US, I'm happy to say that perhaps there is support of Nature
and maybe jyotish and yagyas work.  It was on the day of the lunar eclipse a
few months ago during a slew of yagyas I was sponsoring that I got a phone
call quite out of the blue from someone who claimed they knew me from a
prostate cancer forum I participated in a few years ago.   He knew I had an
adventurous bent and was an independent thinker and tinkerer so he told me
of the six supplement prostate cancer "cure".   Well, I ordered up the
supplements and low and behold.   PSA's dropping like a rock.   Pain,
discomfort are almost gone, need to get up in the middle of the night mostly
gone, flow rate increasingly daily.

I was hesitant to mention the six supplement "cure" because we have an idiot
on this forum who believes he's God's Gift to Ayurveda, as he's "certified"
in "metabolic profiling".   This idiot sent me a list of things to take for
prostate cancer and regrettably one or two on the list make up the SSC.   I
cringe whenever he posts about this tar from the Andes or some other wonder
snake oil.   He's a menace and one of the very good arguments for the FDA
exercising much stricter control over the many $Billions supplements scam.

I don't know why the SSC works except that each of the supplements is itself
under investigation for battling prostate cancer, but under laboratory
conditions with concentrations one can't get into one's body, let alone to a
place which pretty much filters the blood supply, thereby isolating itself
from many supplements and cancer drugs.   Perhaps the guy who discovered the
SSC, a guy I know only as Kurt Vogler in North Carolina figured out the
synergy of the SSC, as some of the supplements aren't even absorbed well
enough into the blood stream to be noticed.

Whatever, here is the SSC.   I suggest that considering the very messy
alternatives, a guy give the SSC a couple months trial.

1) Pomegranate extract 1000mg from POM Wonderful
2) Aged garlic extract 1000mg from Kyolic
3) Green Tea Extract 500mg from Puritans Pride
4) Broccoli Sprout Extract 1000mg from NSI (nutraceutical sciences
5) High Potency Quercetin 650mg from Swanson
6) Soy Isoflavones 150mg from Now

NSI is now marketed by Vitacost but it's got the same SKU as before.   Don't
just take one capsule of each supplement as these dosages stated on the list
are also stated on the ingredients labels except it's sometimes the dosage
contained in 2 capsules.

Hello.  My name is Tom and I am a survivor of moderately aggressive prostate

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