--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> On 10/10/2011 06:21 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> > There are moments in life where the sheer *extremes* of
> > narcissism and the extent to which it can cause a narcissist
> > to do anything -- ANYTHING -- that furthers his own self-
> > serving goals shocks even me. Hearing those two words in
> > the season finale of "Breaking Bad" were such a moment.
> > They left me chilled to the bone. And then, with only one
> > minute left in the season, Vince Gilligan included one
> > last scene -- no actors, no words, just a pan shot by
> > a suburban Albuquerque pool -- and provided even more
> > of a chill.
> >
> > Despite what I may have said in the past about Walter
> > White never really "breaking bad," he sure has now. This
> > was great television, the culmination of plot points, red
> > herrings, and clues dropped over not only the last six
> > episodes, but over the length of the whole series. (Show
> > creator Vince Gilligan admits to liking to play the "long
> > game.")
> >
> > For those who have been following the series, there is an
> > interesting interview with Gilligan at this link. Don't
> > read it if you haven't watched the series and someday
> > intend to, or if you have been watching the series but
> > haven't seen either of the last two episodes:
> >
> > http://www.hitfix.com/blogs/whats-alan-watching/posts/interview-breaking-bad-creator-vince-gilligan-post-mortems-season-4
> >
> > Without spoiling too much for those who haven't logged on
> > to this show yet, I shall really, really miss two charac-
> > ters...names withheld to protect the newbs. Both were bad
> > guys to the core, and both roles were played by great actors.
> > Given the mechanics of this series, I'm pretty sure we'll
> > see them again in the future, in flashbacks, and I look
> > forward to that.
> Yup, the season finale was really a blast!  Looking forward to the 
> finale season.

Final two seasons, most likely. 16 more episodes have been
greenlit for AMC, which they will probably spread across
two seasons in 2012-2013.

Belated thanks to you for trying to turn me onto this series
early. As I've said, none of your descriptions of it or other
people's descriptions turned me on at the time. But now that
I've recovered from my folly and watched it all, I am in awe
of the series and its overall quality.

While I may feel that when it comes to TV producers both 
David Milch and Joss Whedon might be greater artists than
Vince Gilligan, he's 'way up there in the pantheon of 
greats for me. One of the main reasons is something he
shares with the other two, trusting in his storytelling
ability enough to go for the "long con" rather than having
to rely on the episodic, week-by-week-all-tied-up-in-a-
neat-bow short cons that make up most of television. All
of these guys are willing to write a novel, as opposed
to a series of short stories. As a fan of the artform,
I appreciate that.

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