thx, his Guru is Norbu Rinpoche.  Vaj has been on the Rinpoche's retreats, at 
least one.

--- In, "emptybill" <emptybill@...> wrote:
> Vag, the TM truther ...
> >I'd much rather see the truth than fiction, as the truth is
> >often better than fiction. In this case, it's downright hilarious.
> Great thought Vag. Now tell us the truth.
> The Truth about Vag the Anti-TM'er
> Many FFL posters, particularly former TM teachers, do not believe that
> Vag ever learned or practiced the TM/ TM-Sidhi techniques. They also do
> not believe he ever trained as a TM teacher/initiator. Here is what he
> refuses to answer:
>     * When      and Where he learned the Transcendental Meditation
> technique      of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi? (Course dates and location)
>     * When      and Where he learned the Transcendental Mediation-Sidhi
> (TM-Sidhi) techniques of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi? (Course dates and     
> location)
> He claims to have studied/trained with other meditation teachers and
> gurus, both Indian and Buddhist. He critiques TM and TM-Sidhi practice
> based upon these supposed teachings and training.  Who were these
> teachers and/or gurus? He can't answer.
> He claims to have received personal teachings (not general teachings
> about doctrine) but can not say:
>     * where      and when did he receive these personal      teachings
>     * what      was the declared lineage or sampradaya of      these
> teachers and their teachings
> Readers are, of course, free to disregard or ignore these questions
> about Vag. However, please note that he won't even give any credit
> to his teachers. This is a sign that he is just making it up from books
> he has read and/or webinars he has attended.
> In the very traditions he proclaims so boldly, this is considered a form
> of theft and a way to dishonor his spiritual teacher, his own pledges
> with his teachers (samaya or words of honor) and the teachers teachings.
> ………………………………………………………………………………
> --- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Oct 10, 2011, at 11:56 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
> >
> > > He is anti-Maharishi for deep reasons of commitment to the path as
> > > he understands it. Maharishi's fraudulence really bugs him.It is
> > > fascinating. That is so different from my own take on Maharishi. I
> > > also believe he was a fraud in the "tradition" (obnoxious air
> > > quotes here) but because I don't recognize any "tradition" (Yup, I
> > > actually put my fingers up again) as an expert in the human mind, I
> > > don't care as much.
> >
> >
> > I wouldn't say I'm anti-Maharishi, what bugs me is that there is a
> > set of people who are interested in solely perpetuating an air-
> > brushed and false history as fact, and suppressing his actual
> > history. I'd much rather see the truth than fiction, as the truth is
> > often better than fiction. In this case, it's downright hilarious.
> >
> > I'd actually agree with RWC that David Wants to Fly completely
> > vindicates our views on the man, as it simply reveals the truth
> > behind the facade. It's like stepping to the side of a Bollywood set
> > and realizing it was only a front, a facade - then you laugh and
> > laugh at the "reality" you once believed was so real.
> >
> > Re: Judy's angst. I never would expect Judy to get the spirit of TM
> > when she's merely taken it to heart. 'The meanings of the words are
> > taken as sacred concepts. The
> > letter of the instruction is taken to heart rather than the spirit.
> > To take the teacher's word literally is, for example, to construe
> > reality as something concrete to be attained by striving in technique
> > and method rather than as a door into the reality of the moment.
> > Words and concepts are a means to their own transcendence in the here-
> > and-now. Fascination with structure is a deviation; doctrine
> > professed as 'true' and 'correct' gives Enlightened Consciousness a
> > mask of the ridiculous.'
> >
> > Such people will never understand the real mechanics of transcendence
> > but merely remain trapped with the golden cage of their dearly held
> > concepts.
> >

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