--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu" <yifuxero@...> wrote:
> Thx, on the "flyer": San Diego, 20 ft. from Johnny Brown's 
> restaurant, a favorite watering hole for after-hours workers.
> 4-th such incident since I've been working here overlooking
> the restaurant. Last time the flyer hit the mezzamine level
> but the net effect was equal to the others.

Good grief. That's awful.

San Diego Union-Trib says he wasn't part of the protest, FWIW,
but they were asking for volunteer counselors for protesters
who found what happened distressing.

> No doubt, the person had s subconsious "urge" (given the
> fatal decision with no turning back); to pick that particular
> place and time so that somebody could pray for him. RIP.  I
> still feel the "disturbance"...; but a few more hours of
> prayers should be more helpful.

Not much else you can do, I guess.

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