--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall <thomas.pall@> wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 10:58 PM, feste37 <feste37@> wrote:
> > 
> > > Apparently Oprah was in the dome in Fairfield tonight, 
> > > meditating with the ladies.
> >
> > Not just that, but campus as abuzz (at least those who meditate) 
> > about Oprah and her staff of 50 learning TM. This is being seen 
> > as the next explosion of TM, bigger (at least in the hips I 
> > suppose) than the Merv Wave.
> What I find hard to believe is that NONE of these
> staffers have gotten ahold of a copy of "David Wants
> To Fly."
no one cares about that pack of lies.
 One would think that they would be on the
> lookout for potential scandals that could blow up
> in Oprah's face, such as the James Frey book "A 
> Million Little Pieces" that she chose for her book
> club a few years ago and recommended to millions. 
> This "memoir" turned out later to be mainly fiction,
> and caused her a great deal of embarrassment. 
> While I understand Oprah's tendency to buy into
> Woo Woo, what I don't understand is her support 
> staff's failure to clue her in to some of the
> darker sides of the TMO, such as the robes and
> crowns, murder on the MUM campus, banning people
> from the domes for the "crime" of going to see 
> many of the people she's had on her show, etc.
> There is "plain vanilla TM," and then there is
> the baggage. It boggles my mind that no one in
> her organization has noticed the baggage. I mean,
> one simple Google search on TM and Maharishi 
> would have led her staffers HERE ferchrissakes, 
> let alone to TM-Free and Minet and other such
> critical sites.

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