India sucks politically - I used to call it a Hijra ( eunuch) country, Gandhi 
is an idiot - his pseudo Christian pacifism is only attractive to pain 
projecting liberals fascinated by pseudo spiritual icons.

On Oct 31, 2011, at 5:55 PM, "anatol_zinc" <> wrote:

> "Gandhi Speaks the TRUTH" 6mins video… from YT comment ~ "The similarities 
> between the times when India was ruled by the British and the state of the 
> world today are strikingly similar. The Britishers would have loved to impose 
> the surveillance society and tyrannical laws that exists today, particularly 
> in the US and UK.
> Everyday the media does its best to convince us that a little loss of Freedom 
> and Liberty here and there is alright for National Security purposes. 
> Terrorism seems to be the Mantra for those in power to control the actions 
> and thoughts of the populace. The majority is disarmed through fear and 
> propaganda about Wars, Pandemics and Economic crises that leads to them 
> living in an environment of insecurity and hopelessness. Meanwhile, the 
> Government is busy privatizing the gains to a few and socializing the losses 
> to many, and expanding it's Empire overseas with Illegal wars. And, if it 
> senses opposition building in the public, it makes use of false flag attacks 
> to confuse them and justify it's actions.
> Gandhi may be dead, but his message still remains as relevant as it was more 
> than 50 years ago, and it would serve us well to listen and ponder what he 
> had to say when the people of India were being oppressed by the tyrannical 
> British Empire. Because, eventually, History might just Repeat itself."

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