--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Nov 3, 2011, at 6:39 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> > I haven't kept up on it but back in the late 1970s I looked into the
> > cancer work of Dr. Kelly and what is now HealthExcel and run by a
> > former TM teacher Bill Wolcott. They divided cancers groups by hard
> > tumor and soft tumors. Different body types were prone to getting one
> > or the other.
> >
> > BTW, another doctor I went to in the 1980s who was not at all into
> > alternative medicine told me that the allergist he shared an office  
> > with
> > once remarked that almost none of his patients ever got cancer. He
> > believed that was because people who have allergies have strong immune
> > systems since allergies are often the reaction of the immune system on
> > some allergen. Hence the strong immune system got rid of cancer cells
> > before they could do anything.
> This is actually the basis for many immunotherapy regimes and cancer  
> vaccines. Since we can now genetically engineer antibodies, all you  
> need to do is ramp up the immune system and it kills off the cancer.  
> In cases where that doesn't work, you can radiotag a short distance  
> beta-emitter to the antibody and introduce that into the blood  
> stream. The antibody take the radiation punch directly to the cancer.  
> If it kills off about 86% or more of the tumors, then the bodies  
> immune system, believing the body was attacked, initiates an  
> inflammatory response and kills off the rest of the cancer.

Could you supply a link supporting this process, please?

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