Good to be corrected, nablusoss1008. I will take your strong objections to all 
that I have said, as evidence that I have got you wrong somewhere.

Certainly from how you have responded to my post, I need not fear you are in 
any doubt about anything you believe. And if I knew how easily and 
perfunctorily you would give me the back of your hand, I might not have risked 
coming to the defence of Rick. I am a relative newcomer here at FFL; I don't 
know you, and I don't know the background of your relationship with Rick. 

I only know that to maintain that the context and reality of Maharishi Mahesh 
Yogi and Transcendental Meditation is now in 2011 exactly what it always 
was—say compared to 1973—seems an implausible proposition. What I sensed, 
nablusoss1008 was that, when you first were in Purusha—at the very 
beginning—you had a certain understanding and perception of Maharishi; and that 
given what has gone down since then, it seems only reasonable and just that you 
modify that understanding and perception.

It appears to me you are unwilling to let history and reality reflect its truth 
inside your own consciousness—as if to say: Everything is on course; everything 
is the way it is supposed to be; Maharishi has been true to himself, to Guru 
Dev, and to us. And we are well on our way to heaven on earth.

But inside this assertion I sense some wishful thinking; no: more than this: I 
sense a strangulation of the truth. I have used your disagreement with Rick to 
emphasize this existential fact. You seem extremely fortified in your belief 
that there is nothing to regret, to lament, to ponder in what has happened to 
Maharishi's Movement, in the failure of Transcendental Meditation to even 
approach what its promise was when we first were initiated, and the 
deterioration of Maharishi in his latter years, as he revealed that about him 
which was not all sweetness and light.

You appear to me to be resisting mightily the reality of things. That you do so 
with a sense of utter confidence and serenity seems to me to be a form of 
burying your head in the sand. But you have told me that man that you are, 
nablusoss1008, and I shall not seek for any other kind of resolution than the 
one which is offered up to me in your sharp rebuke here.

I appreciate your answering me so directly and promptly.

Jai Guru Dev

--- In, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, maskedzebra <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Dear nablusoss1008:
> > 
> > You are a doctrinaire. Rick Archer is staying true to the profoundest of 
> > intuitions that he derived from his association with and self-sacrifice to 
> > Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 
> Let's hope so. I'm glad at least you are so sure about that.
> All that you say here is a rationalization after the fact.
> I wish I knew what you are reffering to. What I did was a natural thing. 
> At the height of your devotion to Maharishi—before you knew anything about 
> his own wanderings from his vows to Guru Dev
> I beg your pardon, what do you know about Maharish's wows to Guru Dev ? 
> Maharishi dropped the title Bal Brahmarishi already in the 50's. Do preach 
> your nonsense elswere.
> —you would have never tried to argue as you have here. You are avoiding going 
> through the honest and powerful ambivalence and disillusionment that Rick has
> What do you know about the "ambivalence and disillisionment" of Rick ?
> —even as Rick still holds Maharishi to be a true Teacher. No, nablussoss1008: 
> you are trying to find a solution to your own suppressed confusion and doubt 
> by inventing a whole new dogma.
> Oh thanks, just what we need here; a closet psychologist. You are talking 
> nonsense. Please practise your hobbies on someone else.
> Meanwhile Rick is only confronting us with what we all know is the truth. 
> Only Ravi, among all of us, is somehow unaccountable in the way we have no 
> choice about being accountable: that is, understanding Maharishi in all that 
> he is and was. 
> And what the freaking do you know about the insights of Ravi ? 
> > Where Rick is raising these questions goes much deeper in comparison to 
> > where you are dismissing his questions and explaining Bevan and Maharishi 
> > away. I don't expect you to realize what is going on here, nablusso1008, 
> > but you are trying to remake reality and history into something which fits 
> > conveniently with your determination not to have to pass through the 
> > inevitable experience of facing up to the terrible complexity and 
> > contradiction of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
> I am ? thank you for sharing your wisdom with me. I' fast approaching the 
> hour of virechana.
> You are not arguing sincerely, nablusoss1008; and you weaken your case with 
> the smugness and the unintended irony of the self-righteousness of your 
> remarks to Rick.
> Sorry to hurt your delicate feelings. Rick is used to it, he has received 
> much harsher words from me during the years.
> You need to go through your own dark night of the soul, nablusoss1008. And 
> you haven't. I think Rick has.
> Your'e a nutter !

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