Clint is also a Republican, respects private property, doubt that he would 
agree with what you think he would.

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> The following photo and quote were tweeted by bad movie critic Richard
> Roeper the other day, synthesized from an interview in GQ with the
> speaker. I hope this shoves a big, Dirty Harry-sized corncob up the ass
> of homophobes everywhere:
> [\
> arge300.jpg]
> "I'm Clint Fucking Eastwood, and this is what I
> have to say about gay marriage. BRAVO."
> The actual money quote was: "These people who are making a big deal out
> of gay marriage? I don't give  a fuck about who wants to get married to
> anybody else! Why not?! We're  making a big deal out of things we
> shouldn't be making a deal out of.  They go on and on with all this
> bullshit about 'sanctity' -- don't give  me that sanctity crap! Just
> give everybody the chance to have the life  they want."
> Try to imagine what Clint would say if he found out that a bunch of fat
> men wearing dresses and gold crowns were declaring his fellow meditators
> equally unsanctified and unwelcome in the domes, for the sin of visiting
> spiritual teachers other than Maharishi. Who, incidentally, is DEAD, and
> thus not giving the best spiritual advice lately.
> Based on only meeting him once, and very briefly, I can easily see Clint
> walking up to the dome door guard, being asked for his "dome pass,"
> pulling back his suit coat to reveal the 44 Magnum tucked into his belt,
> and saying, "Go ahead...make my day," as he walks past the blissnazi and
> goes inside. And if he did -- or if *anyone* did the same thing and made
> it public, all of this "banning" horseshit would be over forever. It
> would be like Rick's story of Bevan getting whupped to the ground by an
> angry husband and being too much of a pussy to ever do anything about
> it.
> The thing that enables spiritual nazis to keep getting away with being
> spiritual nazis is allowing them to keep their actions hidden. Bitching
> about it on an Internet forum read by at most 50 people don't do shit.
> If you don't like the policy, challenge it, and bring a couple of
> reporters and a film crew with you. Anything else is silent agreement
> with the nazis' right to do what they're doing.
> My best "Clint moment" in the TMO was on an ATR course in Switzerland.
> For some reason, I was given a nice room on the fourth floor -- sunny,
> spacious, and with a private bath. After a few days there, the course
> got a new German course leader. I guess he didn't like the room that had
> been assigned to him, so he decided to take mine. I came back from lunch
> one day to find that he had entered my room, packed up all my stuff and
> put it into my suitcase, and placed it outside the door, along with a
> note that said, "I am the new course leader. I am taking this room. You
> have been moved to another room on the first floor." A key to the new
> room was lying on top of the note.
> But I still had the key to my original room. So, after knocking and
> finding it empty, I quietly opened the door and moved back in. I
> gathered up all of the course leader's things, not bothering to pack
> them, walked over to the window, and threw them out. I remember his puja
> set making a really pleasing clanking sound as it hit the pavement
> below. Then I moved back into my room, and did my afternoon's program,
> not mentioning the incident to anyone else.  Interestingly, NO ONE ever
> mentioned it to me, either. The German nazi avoided me and all contact
> with me for the rest of the course, as did anyone else with any official
> capacity with the TMO.
> "Buck," and others...stop bitching about the "dome policies" and just
> challenge them. Walk right past the blissnazis at the door, plop your
> ass down on the foam, and do your thing. See what happens. My bet is
> that if enough people did this, you wouldn't have to bitch on FFL any
> more. What, after all, are they going to DO to you? Call the cops, and
> then explain to them that they're keeping you out of the domes because
> you "saw another teacher?" Get real.

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