On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 12:55 PM, authfriend <jst...@panix.com> wrote:

> And there are other exaggerations, such as his claim
> that the TMO "routinely" excludes pregnant or menstruating
> women from its events. He cites *one single event*, an
> afternoon performance by the pundits for Guru Purnima,
> which pregnant or menstruating women were asked not to
> attend (there was no such exclusion mentioned for the
> evening part of the celebration, which did not involve
> the pundits).

Actually, women who are on the rag are excluded from THMD functions.  Food
is brought to them, in their rooms.

> Then he writes, "I can't imagine these women [Oprah and
> Ellen DeGeneres] agreeing to any monthly restriction on
> what they may or may not do in any other context," as if
> going along with such a restriction would be a regular
> feature of their involvement in TM.

What's Ellen's gender again?

And Oprah's is as old as the hills.  As old as "In Bibliography We
Trust".   More testosterone floating in her than estrogen.   It's a medical
fact.   Why aging women become "ballsy".

In the Middle East if you're past your womanly change, you no longer have
to cover yourself.

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