Invisible  "Alps Under The Ice," Formation Mystery Solved
Gamburtsev 'ghost mountains mystery solved'
  [Jonathan Amos]  By Jonathan Amos Science correspondent, BBC News

Here we present the first comprehensive view of the crustal architecture
and uplift mechanisms for the Gamburtsevs, derived from radar, gravity 
and magnetic data.

Religious evolutionist  declared the Bible  has already given "the  most
accurate general history of the ancient Earth, actually filling in  the
gaps and contradictions that arise in modern long-age science 
approaches " and are saying that Noah's flood floated Antarctica to it's
present location? Because "There  shouldn't be any mountains there,
according to conventional  science..Antarctica is a single crustal plate
colliding with nothing.   As one scientist put it, finding these
mountains is like opening an  ancient pyramid and finding a living
astronaut in it."\
Genesis 8:5 "And  the waters decreased continually until the tenth
month: in the tenth  month, on the first day of the month, were the tops
of the mountains  seen."
Prayer:Father, You judged the whole world in the flood. Remind my faith
that You have judged me .....
Other  are discussing Rodinia the name of a super-continent, a continent
which  contained most or all of Earth's landmass in the Neo-proterozoic
era  and Urantia or the Columbia (super-continent) or the
"Super-continent  cycle"  as  a shockingly unexpected intellectual
Question remains :
Do  we have a Raja for this invisible country believed to be about the
same  size as the European Alps?
And what about some WPA and Yogic flyer  there to prevent some melt

Antarctica would raise world sea levels by about 57 meters (187ft) if it
"Understanding  long-term ice sheet evolution is critical in order to
develop more  realistic models of variations of the ice sheet to climate
change," Ferraccioli said.The study appeared Nov. 16 in the journal
East Antarctic rifting triggers uplift of the Gamburtsev Mountains:
  [Antarctic camp]
The survey required the scientific and logistical support of seven
nations    Continue reading the main story
Scientists say they can now explain the existence of what are perhaps
Earth's most extraordinary mountains.

Gamburtsev  Mountain Range,(also known as the Gamburtsev Sub glacial
Mountains) a  sub glacial mountain range located in Eastern Antarctica  
3 km below  the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, the largest body of ice on the
planet.  "About 34 million years ago, Antarctica began to glaciate,
forming on  the top of the range what could be the oldest ice on the
planet at 1.2  million years. A billion years ago, continents collided,
crushing the  mountain's rocks together, forming a gigantic root beneath
the mountain  range, which remained when the mountains eroded. About 250
million years  ago, the root warmed up and reformed the mountains, while
the ice sheet  prevented the mountains from eroding."

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Stunning new WikiLeaks-related information: USA vs UFO "war" supposedly
taking place since 2004 near Antarctica. We've got the shocking details
in this can't-miss video.  [:D]

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