mystical sender of white miraculous bird , ... [:x]
pity nobody responded to these much more finer  direct points   done in
comparison to
"Monastery destroyed after translation slip by British intelligence
http://tinyurl.com/3bdckck  ":
MZ having  a most peculiar view of God  "witnessing" the actual death of
the supernatural context of creation. Is trying to get mystical
experiences after the Allied Bombing of Mt Cassino, really ambiguous at
best? The Nietzsche/Hopkins pose of a "stylesheet"  defended by  with
arguments sought out after  the event?

Just love old documentary especially  reminder of long gone "Italian
years" Some documentaries about "Padre Pio" first years...with rare

Padre Pio: The Story Of The Saint
    *              Padre Pio, the fist years - part 3 (the jubilee -
    *              Padre Pio, the fist years - part 2 (the stigmatas -
    *              Padre Pio, the fist years - part 1 (the beginning -

History:The Bombing of Monte Cassino
TIME:Monday, Feb. 28, 1944

Visiting a Carthusian monastery (Italiano/subt. in Eng.)
    *              Visiting a Carthusian monastery - part 1   
    *              Visiting a Carthusian monastery - part 2   
    *              Visiting a Carthusian monastery - part 3   

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu" <yifuxero@...> wrote:
> re: the Monastery of Monte Cassino and its bombing in 1944. Consider
the notion that the Holy Spirit has quit operating in the world after
the bombing.
> ...
> 1. First, it's noteworthy that the Monastery was rebuilt by 1964.
> 2. Second, if the Holy Spirit left, then there should be no further
"genuine" Catholic Saints living in the world after the 40's.
> But Padre Pio lived until 1968. If he was a "genuine" Saint, anywhere
near the status of various other Saints, it seems to me the original
premise would be undermined.
> 3. The display of supposed Supernatural phenomena is a requirement for
Sainthood in the Catholic Church, and Padre Pio (according to witnesses)
manifested numerous healings, bilocations, and a few levitations.
> 4. The fact of the decline of the Catholic Church in recent decades
may attributed to certain failings among celebate Priests that have come
to light (but it's an easy assumption that those failings were present
in previous centuries).
> 5. The 60's witnesses an expansion of Consciousness in the West,
influenced by LSD and the Presence of some very powerful Gurus coming
from India.  The M-field of such "Eastern" teachings may be seen by some
to have irreconcialable conflicts with entrenched Christianity,
particularly Catholocism. One might compare the conflict to a "Clash of
Civilizations", but pertaining to religious/Spiritual matters....not
political and economic.
> It remains to be seen how this clash will work itself out. The clash
involves some key concepts in either camp which are mutually exclusive;
one such concept: the identity of "GOD", or if there is a God. One
version of "the truth" must rule, since both can't be true.
> My prediction: the idea that The Trinity = God will fall by the
wayside, as more people embrace concepts such as Dharma, Karma,
Reincarnation; and abandon the idea of a God since there's (a) no need
for such a concept and (b) even if it were true, where in the Hell is
> ...
> Wiki on some miracles of Padre Pio:
> In the 1999 book, Padre Pio: The Wonder Worker, a segment by Irish
priest Malachy Gerard Carroll describes the story of Gemma de Giorgi, a
Sicilian girl whose alleged blindness some believe was corrected during
a visit to the Capuchin priest.[33] Gemma, who was brought to San
Giovanni Rotondo in 1947 by her grandmother, was born without
pupils.[33] During her trip to see Padre Pio, the little girl reportedly
began to see objects including a steamboat and the sea.[33] Gemma's
grandmother did not believe the child had been healed.[33] After Gemma
forgot to ask Padre Pio for Grace during her Confession, her grandmother
reportedly implored the priest to ask God to restore her sight.[33]
Padre Pio, according to Carroll, told her, "The child must not weep and
neither must you for the child sees and you know she sees."[33] The
section goes on to say that oculists were unable to determine how she
gained vision.[33] Padre Pio is alleged to have waged physical combat
with Satan and his minions, similar to incidents described concerning
St. John Vianney, from which he is said to have sustained extensive
bruising. He is also said to have possessed the ability to communicate
with guardian angels, often granting favors and healings prior to any
written or verbal request.
> On the day of his death, mystic and Servant of God Maria Esperanza de
Bianchini from Caracas, Venezuela reported that Padre Pio appeared to
her in a vision and stated "I have come to say good-bye. My time has
come. It is your turn."[34][35][36] It is reported that her husband then
watched as his wife's face transfigured into that of Padre
Pio.[34][35][36] On the following day, they heard of the death of Padre
Pio.[34][35][36] Witnesses claim to have seen Ms. Esperanza herself
levitating during Mass and engaging in bilocation[36] Padre Domenico da
Cese a fellow Capuchin stigmatist reported that on Sunday, September 22,
1968 he saw Padre Pio kneeling in prayer before the Holy Face of
Manoppello in Manoppello, although it was known that Padre Pio hadn't
left his room.[37]

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