And you are a pseudo-enlightened cosmic bitch 
whoring your fake 'awakening' around.
And he is a pseudo-critic and an intellectual 
strip queen who stripteases in internet forums.
Both of you make a good pair don't you.  You both 
are made for each other.
From: whynotnow7 <>
Sent: Friday, December 2, 2011 10:31 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Robin Carlsen file uploaded to FairfieldLife

> heheh - Bob, truly inspired by the idea of a screenplay, perhaps as an 
> animated component of said holiday gift manual, I decided to finish the scene 
> I began earlier, only this time Vaj's wife is indeed King Baby:
> Vaj: (staring a little too intensely at the computer screen) "Fuck!" "Shit!"
> KB: (dusting, in another room) "What's wrong honey?"
> Vaj: "The fourth person this week on FFL is saying I never learned or taught 
> TM
> - bastards, I'd like t..."
> KB: "Your-medication-is-on-the-bathroom-counter-upstairs (for the
> millionth time)!"
> Vaj: "fuck...What?!"
> KB: "(sigh) Nothing!! (drops duster, stands up, arms akimbo, apron on) When 
> are you going to get rid of that crazy idea that the only time anyone is 
> going to take your Buddhist teachings seriously, is if you say you used to be 
> a TM Teacher? Just say, OK what's the big deal I didn't get within a mile of 
> ever knowing TM, but here's why Buddhism will bring you salvation..."
> Vaj: (yelling over his shoulder, a cold Mountain Dew and a few loose m&ms 
> next to his PC)"Yeah, it *would* make my family happy...After all of their 
> ties to HHDL, it is like a knife through their hearts every time I fake it 
> with TM. But I HAVE TO, even though the last time over at my dad's, I 
> mentioned that Intro Lecture I snuck into back in '74, and he sent me out to 
> his "meditation cave" in the backyard for three frikkin' hours!! Sitting on 
> those old stained magazines, its gross!"
> KB: "...I know, you put up with a lot from him (rolls her eyes)...Anyway it 
> wouldn't hurt for you to ditch the bathrobe and look for work today..."
> Vaj: "huh?...Wait! I just found an old box of polaroids! I think I figured 
> out how to kill two birds with one stone...this'll distract 'em...bastards..."
> KB: "Bills are due!"
> Vaj: "Look!!! Dearest, we've discussed this many times. This my life's work! 
> I am saving the world! Tibet is for everyone! His Holiness..."
> KB: "OK...OK...OK.......O...K..." (whispered to her "sister" on the phone:
> "I hate it when VJ gets like this")
> KB's "sister": (split screen aka Pillow Talk) "How long has it been since 
> she, y'"
> KB: "Don't ask. Don't. Ask. It's a wonder I can put food on the table. VJ's 
> been *very* upset these days. So bitchy sometimes -  that's my Opinion, 
> anyway...So snide this morning after I had made omelettes and brioche for us, 
> she says, "Going out to the...`café' to do some...`writing'??", like my 
> talent is lost on her...Hasn't she read my online masterpiece, "Roadtrip 
> Highway Travelin' Thang"?? VJ *said* I was good...she always encourages me to 
> continue with my new book..." 
> KB's "sister": Know'wcha'mean..."
> KB: "fuck, cracked my nail, gotta go sis!"
> KB's "sister": "toodles! call me - "

Ha Ha Ha! Yes, I think I sufficiently explored within the realms of 
consciousness the genesis of Barry's use of the term, "drama queen", which has 
now been supported further with the media you have supplied. He is truly 
everywhere, secure in his infinite archetype, kosmic King Baby. 

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