Fucking asshole, He just wants to send you a 
private message.  So have a chat with him in 
So, now you fuck with the Pope, do you?  A 
pseudo-enlightened nutball like you with verbal 
diarrhea you seem to have a mouth of a high speed 
computer and the intuition of a snail.
From: maskedzebra 
Date: Thu Dec 1, 2011 11:20 am 
Subject: Re: New Robin Carlsen file uploaded to FairfieldLife 
 >>Vaj: Well, unfortunately, since I cannot send 
>>you things privately, you basically forced a 
>>situation where i had no choice but to post them 
>>publicly. It's not something I wanted to do.
>RESPONSE: Bullshit. (I feel merciful in this 
>moment, so I am not going to use anything but 
>that one word euphemism.)
>These latest tactic of yours, Vaj, it is a serous 
>breach of what any civilized and honest person 
>would understand to be the 'rules of the game'.
>>Vaj: Actually I insisted on privately emailing 
>>them. You refused. So in all honesty, this was 
>>not my preference.
>RESPONSE: It will get more serious than this when 
>you have to die, Vaj: that's where the BS ends. 
>Why not end it right now, Vaj—at least with 
>respect to this
>whole business of TM, Maharishi, and myself? 
>Look: will a little love help? I am going to pray 
>to the Good Lord tonight. I hope it helps.

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