Dana Sawyer has written a book on the TM Movement, and needs some photos.
Please see below and let me know if you can help:

I'd love to have photos of any and all important events and personalities,
and you know those as well as I do.  For instance:

Swami Brahmananda
MMY with Guru Dev
MMY with Charlie Lutes (or Lutes separate)
MMY with the Beatles
MMY with Jerry Jarvis (or Jerry separate)
Big European TTCs, like La Antilla and Majorca
MMY on Merv
Keith Wallace, first prez of MIU
Headquarters in Switzerland
National headquarters in LA
photos of regional coordinators
Domes at MIU
Lillian Rosen?  Bullah Smith?
People practicing the flying sutra

These are some ideas that come readily to mind.

Let me know what you can get,



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