--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> I have fond memories of that book.  It was pieced together from small SRM 
> pamphlets.  I have a few copies of them somewhere.  I would be curious to see 
> if they edited the material at all from the original.
> I first read it when I was 10 years old on Nantucket Island while on vacation 
> with my parents. That would have been 1967.  My brother bought the book as an 
> excuse to hide on the beach and smoke cigarettes away from my parents at age 
> 15.  I don't believe I got through the whole thing then and am sure he didn't.
> It sat in my brother's bookshelf till I found it at age 16 right before I 
> started.  It's spine was riddled with the bbs holes that marked most of the 
> book spines in his bookshelf, but I still have the copy in my Maharishi stuff 
> box.
> I really would be curious if they left it alone or messed with it like they 
> did Hermit in the House. 
> When I was at MIU I had a chance to read through a bunch of transcripts of 
> talks Maharishi gave in India in the early 60's.  It included some wacky 
> stuff including entering another body if yours wears out so you can continue 
> your yoga.  It is far from the sanitized Maharishi teaching they present 
> today including his wacky two nervous systems ideas. 
It is classically divided into two subsystems: the parasympathetic nervous 
system (PSNS) and sympathetic nervous system (SNS).[1][2] Relatively recently, 
a third subsystem of neurons that have been named 'non-adrenergic and 
non-cholinergic' neurons (because they use nitric oxide as a neurotransmitter) 
have been described and found to be integral in autonomic function, 
particularly in the gut and the lungs.[3]

With regard to function, the ANS is usually divided into sensory (afferent) and 
motor (efferent) subsystems. Within these systems, however, there are 
inhibitory and excitatory synapses between neurons.

 But it would be nice if they were more honest about his actual teaching and 
how it progressed through his life, published it all and let people choose for 
themselves what they think.  I have no skin in the game now but if I was still 
involved I would be really pissed to still be denied access to his full 
> Glad you posted this Nabby.  I remember how exotic and authoritative it all 
> sounded back in 1975 when I started TM.  The initiators of my course did not 
> appreciate my questions based on my knowledge from the book before starting, 
> I do remember that!
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> >  [Transcendental Meditation with Questions and Answers]   Transcendental
> > Meditation with Questions and Answers  By Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> > Softcover, 168 pages Published in 2011
> > This beautiful and charming book is being released after more than 40
> > years being out-of-print. It consists of two parts. Part One is a talk
> > on Transcendental Meditation given by Maharishi from March 1960 to mid
> > 1961, when Maharishi held evening discourses in London, England. Part
> > Two consists of questions addressed to Maharishi by audiences attending
> > his lectures and the answers given by Maharishi.
> > Topics Include:
> > How All Things Have Their Origin in Absolute Bliss Consciousness
> > The Cure for Suffering
> > The Way to Realisation through the Absolute Consciousness
> > Bliss-Attribute of the Divine
> > The Development of Higher Consciousness
> > Unfoldment of Latent Faculties
> > The Ultimate Goal of Transcendental Meditation
> > Timeless Tradition of Knowledge
> > On Faith and Religion and God Realisation
> > Mantra—A Specific Sound and Its Value
> > The Role of an Enlightened Master (Teacher or Guide)
> > "There is an ever-increasing state of chaos in the world; tension
> > increases daily in the individual, in social life, in national affairs,
> > and international relations. The great and urgent need is for something
> > to re-establish harmony in the individual human being and to give him
> > peace; only from such an inner peace can wisdom and happiness be born.
> > All that we call wisdom today, all knowledge, the whole process of
> > endless fact-gathering must utterly fail to satisfy the real needs of
> > man; for these real needs are called happiness, understanding, and
> > wisdom, and they are not vain and unworldly aspirations but man's
> > birthright." - Maharishi, 1961, London
> > Price: $19.95
> > 
> > Item# TMQA
> >

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