--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bob Price <bobpriced@...> wrote:
> RD,
> What was that u said about lawns? 
> I love old Bubbles, he rarely disappoints; normally he needs a bit of editing 
> to save the audience from hanging themselves, but I think I'll just leave 
> this one *as is* because I can't imagine a post that better illustrates 
> everything that's been said about you and your homeys. And "a word to the 
> wise", when you're having some doubts about where you're coming from, take a 
> look around and check out who's agreeing with you.

So how many players are on your team, Captain? I'd say you're outnumbered. 
Sorry, you lose. 


> ________________________________
> From: turquoiseb <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Friday, December 9, 2011 3:41:59 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Hey Ravi
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> >
> > Ravi is a performance artist? la Lady GaGa? That's a good 
> > one. Got me again. I thought "The Existence" wrote his script. 
> > Now I find out he writes his own material. What a hack. He 
> > needs a bigger venue then FFLife. Here's a thought. You could 
> > promote him by having him take a dump on your lawn. Then you 
> > say, "Good Doggie" and everyone joins in the hilarity celebrating 
> > his brilliance. Good to know you have such high standards for 
> > funny.
> Raunchy, I've been trying to stay out of the "dump on
> Ravi" thang because, as stated before, I consider him
> somewhat mentally ill. Have since Day One. This may be 
> an inaccurate assessment on my part, because after all
> I am not a trained therapist, but it is my honest
> assessment.
> He may actually from time to time consider his many
> flip-flops to be "schtick," but his very choice of
> "material" suggests to me serious personality disorder.
> As does his *memory* of what he has claimed in one post
> versus the next. He'll say outright one day that his
> whole presentation to Rick of having had an enlightenment
> experience was a put-on and that he was just taking advan-
> tage of Rick's naivete, and then the next day claim to
> be enlightened again. And by far the overriding aspect 
> of his posts is a near-pathological craving for attention, 
> whether positive or negative. This really just isn't
> something a fully sane person would do IMO. I think long-
> term TMers are cutting him too much slack because they've
> seen such behavior around them in TM environments so often 
> over the years that they've come to consider it almost 
> normal, writing it off as either mere eccentricity or
> "unstressing." I don't hold to that view. 
> I don't think he was in any way faking the excesses of
> his early days on this forum, and how close he was to
> the ragged edge of insanity or suicide. I think that's
> a claim he made up afterwards, after the manic episodes
> had subsided to some extent. I similarly don't think he 
> was faking any of the more recent compulsive lashing
> out he did at you, or Alex, or others here. It "reads"
> to me (now that I've gone back and read some of it) as 
> hypomania, or just plain mania. He gets into a manic 
> state and just dashes off anything that makes sense to 
> his disordered mind in that particular manic state, and 
> then presses Send. 
> I personally don't think it's safe to interact with 
> him, so I have limited such interactions pretty much
> since the beginning. Others here seem to be taken in
> by how he appears during his less manic periods, and
> feel no qualms about either praising him (that is,
> amplifying his narcissism and thus inflating it) or 
> ragging on him (provoking a hysterical overreaction 
> that we are by now all too familiar with). 
> I don't think it's schtick. I don't think he has any
> control whatsoever over this acting out of his. And
> I, for one, am not willing to provoke it by interacting
> with him personally. I take the same approach when
> dealing with such behavior that a psychiatrist I once
> knew took to dealing with patients who had demonstrated 
> similar behavior in the past. "If the behavior seems 
> to have cleared up, give them at least a year before 
> you believe it thoroughly. Otherwise they could just be
> 'laying low' and trying to sucker you back into former
> patterns that have been proven unproductive." 
> Ravi's "one year clock" hasn't even *started* ticking
> for me. If others feel differently, that's their 
> business.
> Then again, I feel pretty much the same about MZ/Robin
> (with slightly different pathologies and forms of acting
> out, of course), so you should either weight or dismiss 
> my theories about Ravi accordingly.
> Thanks for your mainly common-sense comments on all
> of this.

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