--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:

Yes, it certainly does, Barry, you bastard, you. You mean me, right? My 
condition is going to deteriorate if you keep this up, Barry: on the one hand 
saying I am pathological; on the other hand acting as if it's a all right to 
make fun of a mental case like me. I don't get it, Barry; I just don't get it. 
Have a heart: knock off this razzing of Robin. If you be nice to me, I will 
start to be nice to you. Deal? I think, by the way, it was mean of you to make 
fun of me like this. And I think you intensify the pathology. If you were me, 
Barry, what would you do in the face of the powerful mocking of yourself—by 
someone such as yourself? You must tell me. Is anyone going to help me here? 

Vaj: If it makes you feel better, a group of your students got an audience with 
one of Guru Dev's disciples to ask what the f*ck was up with you? He said you'd 
been fried by a blast of kundalini in Arosa. I think that also explains the 
aforementioned wisp of smoke that Thomas saw. Just sayin'.

Robin: That, then, clears the whole thing up, Vaj. Thanks. And thanks to this 
Guru Dev disciple. Any way you can get back to him to express my gratitude? 
Perhaps through these former 'students' of mine? That must have come as a 
relief to them to have their personal experience of me suddenly explained 
perfectly. Why didn't someone tell me about this before now? Would have saved 
me 25 years of beating my brains out.

There was no 'Thomas' by the way on the mountain in Arosa, Switzerland. 
Although I do know a Thomas, and he is a good guy. But this "wisp of smoke" 
business? never heard of it. I do, however, carry around a Chinese appliance 
wherever I go. Perhaps that was literally what this Thomas fellow saw, as you 
say, short circuiting. But it wasn't at Arosa. It must have been when I came 
down from the mountain to liberate Western Civilization. 

Someday, Vaj, I would like you to give me something you have withheld from me 
all this time: a real personal experience. Because the moment you did this, you 
would realize the difference between imagining something that has happened to 
you, and something that actually happened to you. And your soul would kick in, 
and then you might even prefer what is real, what you have really passed 
through as a human being, versus what is unreal and what you have not passed 
through as a human being.

Vaj: So you could just think of it as a short circuit, right? I mean, this 
happens to these new Chinese kitchen appliances ALL THE TIME. So, I can, you 
know, kinda relate. But I wouldn't throw you in the trash...and I bet Barry 
wouldn't either.

Robin: You have no idea what it means for you to make this rather oblique 
reference to Barry inside this context: that he in his manifest Bodhisattva 
form is harbouring feelings and thoughts about me which are belied by his 
public persona at FFL. This takes off some of the trauma and shock of learning 
from Barry that I was pathological. Would you mind consulting with Barry 
offline to determine whether I should run with this attribution of yours? It 
touches me like finding that Santa after all is very real. You there, Barry? I 
ain't like no Chinese appliance by the way; I, was designed like Steven Jobs's 
iPhone nad MacBook Pro: without any mechanical or aesthetic flaws—until, that 
is, the kundalini overload.

Vaj: Keep your chin up Robinda.

Robin: Always do, Vaj. Thanks. By the way a close friend of Jimmy Fallon told 
me that there is a beautiful woman from Jupiter who has a big poster of you in 
her bedroom. I have seen the poster, and I can understand why she says, 
whenever she looks at it, that a"wisp of smoke" rises from the innermost Atman 
of her being. Her very feminine being.

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