Well, it certainly is entertaining for me to watch the
two of you discussing me at such great length. Hopefully
you're close to exhausting the Judy topic and will be
moving on to other more significant issues.

I do want to make a couple of comments:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:
> PART IV: Robin to Curtis
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> Our only interaction is in the environment arguing about
> something she cherishes and I mock.

Not true AT ALL. Curtis and I have interacted with regard
to a wide range of topics, from politics to philosophy to
pig's blood to pedophilia and other subjects all over the
map. In many cases they've been arguments, but in quite a
few they've been friendly discussions.

How has Curtis managed to send everything he and I have
talked about except for "something she cherishes and I
mock" down the memory hole? Is it a tactic to isolate
me as a TM-TB whose only disagreements with Curtis are
about TM-related issues and thus induce all the TM
critics--at least, those who are reading this exchange
between Robin and himself--to take his side?

> I may be wrong in this; but it is my impression that Judy
> respects you, even feels—when she can—an affection for you.
> You see how disconnected I am from the Curtis reality,

You're closer to my reality than you are to Curtis's,
Robin. My feelings about Curtis are distinctly mixed.
I've told  him on several occasions that something he's
said (or failed to say) has disappointed me--IOW, that
he didn't meet my expectations of him. Now, Curtis
isn't responsible for my expectations or the
disappointments thereof, but the point is that I wouldn't
have high expectations of him if I didn't hold him in
some considerable esteem.

There are many things I respect and admire about Curtis,
and some that I don't. I tweak him about his "Mr.
Wonderful" act, but it's not all an act by any means. It's
the Mr.-Not-So-Terrific aspects of Curtis that I find
frustrating; they stick out like the proverbial sore

Affection per se, I dunno, but there are many times when
I wish him well. There's no question that he tends to see
anything I say to or about him that's even remotely
critical as "uncharitable." It's a lot easier to avoid
hearing criticism if one can define it as coming from a
person who takes an uncharitable view of oneself.

One more point I want to make here, although it isn't
referenced so much in this post as the previous ones.
Robin mentioned the issue of Curtis's refusal to speak
up about Barry's bad behavior, and Curtis succeeded in
turning that into an issue about Barry's and my quarrels
and Curtis's reasons for not interfering in them.

In fact, though, in the week before Curtis overposted,
one of the two main issues he was dealing with that
*led* him to overpost was that he was being criticized
by quite a few folks here for his tolerance of Barry's
viciousness toward the many people on the forum Barry
doesn't like. It isn't just about me and Barry, it's
about Barry and all the folks he insults and demeans on
a regular basis, and Curtis's unwillingness to say
anything about the unpleasantness Barry is constantly
injecting into the discourse here.

Curtis very neatly avoided that issue by shrinking
its scope and significance to the Barry-Judy feud.

Oh, there's one last point. In an earlier post to Robin,
Curtis wrote:

> Wow, you and Judy really need to get a room. I have had years
> of this bullshit from her Robin.  Don't think you are gunna
> get a rise out of me because I have a friendly relationship
> with Barry that includes us not butting into each other's
> business with other people.

In fact, Barry regularly butts into Curtis's business with
other people. That was the *other* reason Curtis overposted
a few weeks ago; he was dealing with the fallout from Barry's
revelation of something Curtis had said to Barry about Robin
in private email. The good feeling between Curtis and Robin
had begun to fray not too long before that. Barry saw the
crack opening between them and decided to drive a wedge into

Barry has butted into Curtis's business with me countless
times. He's butted into Curtis's business with those Barry
calls the Terminally Self Important--including me, Ravi,
Robin, and Jim--comparing us to lepers showing off their
sores to Curtis, characterizing him as the Mother Teresa
of the Internet.

Barry feels *absolutely no inhibitions whatsoever* about
butting into Curtis's business with other people and does
it routinely.

That Curtis has somehow managed to block all this from
his awareness is astonishing to me.

OK, Judy over and out. Just had to put a few words in.
I hope you guys can get it worked out and get back to
the *vastly* more interesting dialogue you were having

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