On 12/20/2011 11:45 AM, feste37 wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"<jstein@...>  wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "feste37"<feste37@>  wrote:
>>> As he mentions, Barney Sherman lived here in Fairfield for
>>> many years, probably for nearly two decades, I think, and
>>> he is a former Purusha, so it's perhaps not surprising that
>>> he has such high praise for Fairfield. (Interesting though
>>> that he refers to "the Maharishi," which is usually a sign
>>> of the nonmeditator.)
>> Didn't know he'd been on Purusha; did notice the "the" and
>> on that account figured, as you suggest, that he wasn't a
>> meditator.
>> His paean sounds pretty solid, though, with all the specifics
>> about businesses and cultural activities.
>> Some interesting stats as well about how well Iowa as a whole
>> has been doing recently.
> Yes, indeed, which was also the subject of a NYTimes article a few days ago. 
> The housing crisis never really hit Iowa, and the Iowan economy is doing 
> fine. In fact, Iowa has the seventh-lowest unemployment rate in the nation. 
> Superradiance, anyone?

But who wants to live in Iowa? :-D

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