--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, zarzari_786 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > The thing that causes me to believe in this theory
> > is the fact that RWC refuses to even consider it,
> > even as a possibility. *His* subjective view is the
> > only possible explanation. That's pretty much classic 
> > NPD/hypomania.
> Of course.

"Of course"?? Really?

Because NPD/hypomanic people believe their subjective
view is the only possible explanation, and Robin believes
his view is the only possible explanation, therefore Robin
must be NPD/hypomanic?

You *buy* that?

(BTW, Robin's said a number of times that he could be
wrong about everything. He's also said he came here to
test out his ideas and get feedback, hardly the approach
of a person who refuses to consider anything but his own
views. So we can cross that off the list as a basis for
diagnosing him as NPD/hypomanic even without taking into
account the illogic of Barry's attempt.)

> He is smart enough, he makes everyone either follower (or
> admirer) or opponent. (black and white, ask Curtis) In
> reality he is a poor and old guy, who's illusions were
> shattered. I don't really find any mystery about him, I
> rather find the fascination mysterious, he has for some
> people, intelligent people at that.

You sure have written enough about this "poor and old guy"
in recent weeks. You've even done parodies of his writing
style. Sort of strange considering you find him so

Something's not quite adding up here.

One of the things about Robin *I* find interesting is how
he evokes reactions, positive OR negative, from so many of
us. Since December 1, there's been an average of more than
20 posts *per day* to or about Robin (not including his
own posts), not all from his fans by any means (34 of them,
in fact, have been yours; 41 have been from Vaj).

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