Hi, yeah I'd be happy to talk about celestial sight! As for whatshisface, no 
worries, I am done. This isn't some master tirade. I meant what I said and I 
take it seriously. It wasn't a "get him" post at all. But I will let time tell 
that tale as it unfolds.

Regarding celestial sight, I guess I described it as halfway between sight and 
imagination, although that isn't it. It is truly a subtler dimension of sight, 
seen somewhere on a finer level of sight, 3D like this common version, but 
fainter, more internal or something, and more revealing when I  focus on it, 
intentionally or otherwise.

Something seen similarly are body maladies. Not really accurate to say because 
a healthy body can be seen into as easily, it is just that my attention is 
naturally drawn to an injury when it occurs. 

Some of the things I have noticed over the span of this stuff: There is a color 
scale I see, not a person's aura or anything, but a subtle sight of the 
affected body part color, from red to yellow to green to black, going from 
healthy to injured. White can indicate muscle strain.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> Jim,
> I like you.  I really do.  And I especially enjoyed what you said last
> week about how to slightly alter your perception to see the celestial
> side of things.  I hope you will elaborate on that some.  But I must
> say, that your comments here remind me of what you sometimes hear from
> Obama critics.  I mean they've been criticizing him for years, but now
> and then they will chime in that "now he's really done it.  I was
> holding back a little in how poorly I thought he was doing, but now I've
> been pushed over the edge".
> That's kind of what I'm reminded of by your comments.  Seems like you've
> been going full bore for a while now.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "futur.musik" <futur.musik@>
> wrote:
> >
> > What a week on FFL – Robin, your posts as always sing a dynamic
> tune of coherent reality. I have read each one enjoyably, happily
> traveling along to wherever they lead, knowing that I will never be led
> astray logically. Thanks!
> >
> > And Barry, I feel sorry for Obba – she is an insightful, sweet and
> refreshing presence here, and what you said to her was cruel, and
> hateful. As much as I have openly insulted you, I have been very
> reluctant to apply the label sadist to you. Sadism is an
> incomprehensible psychological reality for me; that someone could get so
> far away from the pure flame within themselves, that they would *relish*
> hurting someone sweet and innocent.
> >
> > This wasn't the garden variety FFL pissing contest, or tit for tat
> that I have participated in. This was different, and really ugly. I am
> not bringing it up to cast aspersions on you Barry. It goes much deeper
> than that. This sickens me and saddens me.
> >
> > I must confess that sometimes when I have responded to you, I see in
> my mind's eye a small frightened boy, eight or nine years old (?),
> within you. I am not making fun of you Barry, and this is not a gleeful
> perception of mine. I see your fragility, pain and rejection in that
> young child, and I hope you see it and deal with it too, in a healthy
> and liberating way.
> >
> > But you haven't yet. Hurting others deliberately who are innocent of
> anything other than befriending you as Obba was doing, is a really
> sub-human way to act. Your family would be ashamed of you.
> >
> > Mean people suck.
> >

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