> > "Kaka" is Sanskrit for crow or crow 
> > language... 
> >  
> An obvious mis-spelling.
In Sanskrit, a chariot is called a 'ratha'.

> ...a phonemic caricature of an old, dravidian 
> latrine song from the era when the dravidian 
> chariots over-ran Europe and ruled the known 
> world.
Apparently the Dravidians of South Asia had 
neither the horse nor the chariot. And, the 
Dravidian language is NOT spoken much in Europe. 
So, it's doubtful the Dravidian speakers came 
OUT of India and "over-ran" Europe.

"The earliest fully developed true chariots 
known are from the chariot burials of the 
Andronovo (Timber-Grave) sites of the 
Sintashta-Petrovka Proto-Indo-Iranian culture 
in modern Russia and Kazakhstan from around 
2000 BC."


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