On 01/16/2012 07:11 AM, richardatrwilliamsdotus wrote:

News media's blackout on the most radical
elimination of American rights in U.S.

That and the MSM isn't covering the SOPA
bill either.

So, what have you got against a ban on internet
bloggers quoting sources as copyright infringement,
even if sources are cited?

Such quoting is "fair use". Our copyright laws are ridiculous and out of hand anyway. I call them "Mickey Mouse" laws because they exist because Disney wanted to protect Mickey Mouse. Thing is research revealed that Walt Disney failed to properly Mickey when introduced in "Steamboat Willie" and Mickey is protect by trademark laws anyway.

'SOPA and PROTECT-IP: A Line-By-Line Analysis'
PJ Media:
Be sure you read what you link to if you're going to play advisory:

"I know I'm not the first to say it, but we simply have no other choice: I'd strongly advise anyone who wants the internet to stay free to contact their congressmen in both the House and Senate and to stick with it until /both/ bills are gone. If one or the other gets through, we've got troubles."

- PJMedia

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