Hi Robin, As a long term point of perspective, I have been reading "valve 
job"'s posts here for about six years, both on FFL and a forum where he used to 
post but was kicked off for revealing personal info (mine). 

These claims of his to be a TM teacher and now having met you previously, are 
fairly recent. He wouldn't have dared make them to the group that booted him - 
It is a small knowledgeable group and they would have called BS on him 

Why he is doing it now is as some sort of distraction from a blocked area of 
his life, sexual, spiritual, economic, social, who knows? The point being it 
has a lot to do with "valve job", and nothing to do with you, though you appear 
to be the target for his self-distraction.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > On Jan 17, 2012, at 2:25 AM, maskedzebra wrote:
> RESPONSE: No, Vaj, the only possible response here should have been: "Robin, 
> you are wrong. I *have* met you. I know you. And you will have to take back 
> these words."
> Vaj: That fact should be already obvious, at least it is to several here. It 
> doesn't matter to me if you take them back or not.
> RESPONSE 2: No, no, no, Vaj: for what you say here to be true must mean that 
> everyone but three persons at FFL are deliberately and wilfully refusing to 
> grant you the chance to prove that you are not lying. In other words, only 
> these three persons are sufficiently non-biased and impartial to be able to 
> apprehend—both intuitively and objectively—that you are in fact telling the 
> truth about TM, Maharishi, me, and those seminars. The rest of the FFL 
> posters have some need *not* to believe you.
> Now what could that be?
> Not one poster at FFL—and there must have been hundreds and hundreds since 
> the beginning of FFL—has ever conceived of the scenario whereby people at FFL 
> would be scrupulous and skeptical about anyone claiming to be a TM meditator, 
> claiming to be a TM initiator, claiming to know Maharishi personally.
> The issue simply would never come up. After all, being initiated into TM is 
> not some Secret Society with elaborate handshakes and a Skull & Bones 
> harrowing initiation [where you have to give a complete account of your 
> sexual history]. Your comments about TM—and everyone here has commented on 
> TM: there must be 5,000 such comments that have been made since Rick first 
> created this forum—*drew attention to themselves", as they almost invariably 
> exhibited the evidence of someone who had never done TM, let alone taught TM. 
> Let us say that all the posters at FFL not only attended a specific play on 
> Broadway but eventually auditioned for that play and acted in it. FFL, in 
> this analogy, was formed to essentially talk about that play and what it was 
> like not just to see it, but to be in it—and even to meet the playwright.
> Along comes someone who professes to have seen the production of the play, 
> acted in that production, and yes, known the author personally.
> But in everything he says he conspicuously reveals that he could not have 
> seen the play, because it was not mounted the way he says it was; he has the 
> plot all wrong; and he discusses the leading actors in a way that is 
> separated from the experience of having seen these actors live and on stage.
> Now three persons, for reasons only known to them, seek to burnish the 
> credentials of this controversial drama critic who has been highly critical 
> of this production, but who suspiciously appears never to have seen the 
> production. Evidently the supporters of this critic (who is disbelieved by 
> the majority of posters at FFL as having seen the production, let alone acted 
> in the Broadway company associated with the play) find him useful in their 
> determination to pan the artistic integrity of the play—even as there are 
> other critics of the play who believe the play to have some severe even fatal 
> weaknesses—but who can examine the play's flaws without necessarily 
> suspending their critical faculties when it comes to believing in the bona 
> fides of this singular critic.
> You are referring here to those three critics. Your response, then, Vaj, 
> makes no sense. It is—if we take you at your word—not just that you don't 
> care if you are believed or not (whether you have even been on Broadway; you 
> go much further than this: You wish to impugn your own credibility by 
> deliberately giving the impression that you have not seen the play, acted in 
> it, met the author by making sure whenever you talk about the production you 
> say things which no other member of the audience would say, let along someone 
> who has acted in the production. Or who has discussed the play with its 
> author.
> Either this, or you are making the whole thing up.
> Now there has been someone who has posted recently here at FFL who I 
> recognize as a person who really did attend those seminars, someone who would 
> presumably be familiar with you. Would you like me to ask them point-blank 
> whether they remember you or not?
> IIf any of what you say is true, Vaj, what's the game here? We have seen 
> snow; we have played in the snow; we have built snowmen. You say you have 
> stomped through the snow as well; but it is as if you keep telling us that 
> snow is green and makes a lot of noise when it falls from the sky. In fact TM 
> is not like this at all.
> Be sure that we find your comments about other productions on Broadway [which 
> you have indeed seen] to be interesting; but we wonder why you continue to 
> pretend to have been a part of a production which leaves a particular 
> impression on everyone who saw the production and especially those who acted 
> in it, when you do not bear that impression upon your person whatsoever.
> Same goes for the play I wrote and mounted. You either saw the play or were a 
> cast member, or you didn't see the play and did not appear on stage.
> Those who profess to believe in your testimony have to work a lot harder to 
> make the case for your credibility than those who find themselves continually 
> ambushed by evidence you have never seen the play, a play which often is the 
> center of discussion and argument here.
> Beats me, the whole damn thing, Vaj. You're intelligent, you're witty, you're 
> knowledgable, you have a life, why dress up and pretend to play house?

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