> > So, based on the evidence, the rite of the horse sacrifice
> > probably originated in Europe somewhere in the Northern
> > Caucasus  (4000 BCE.
> > 
> > Ratha is the Sanskrit name for chariot:
> >
> Oh shucks! 
"...that modern humans were dispersing through southern Asia 
towards Australia and New Guinea, and Denisovans must also 
have been living in that region. So they weren't just in 
Siberia, they were actually right across eastern Asia and 
down into Southeast Asia, where there was another 
interbreeding with people whose descendants ended up in New 
Guinea and Australia."

Rethinking "Out of Africa"

> I believe in some Northern Finnish
> dialects that's 'rathaat' (standard Finnish: rattaat), 
> i.e. it's in plural form (Sanskrit rathaaH).
> http://tinyurl.com/7u9q66x

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