Where were you skiing?  Good run. I saw you whiz by a black diamond at 4:26. 
Careful out there. Quick release bindings, I hope.  Cool video schussing to the 
finish. I don't see how you can get on and off a chairlift with ski boots 
attached to the Trikke.  Your steering wheel would be in the way. I'd sure hate 
to wipe out and land on it. 

Factoid: The average speed for skiers of 44.5 km/h (27.6 mph) was significantly 
higher than that for snowboarders at 38.9 km/h (24.1 mph).  At 34 mph I'm glad 
you found God and not your Maker, ass over teakettle. With your center of 
gravity higher than on regular skis, it looks like you would have less mobility 
and control at higher speeds. Skis allow quick pivots and edging into the hill 
with minimum effort and maximum control at high speeds. I don't see how you can 
do that with the Trikke. The Trikke looks safe traversing bunny hills, but I'd 
stay off moguls for sure. Skiing is a rush, loved it when I had good knees. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_reply@...> wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KUuKhaBkJvY
> My first runs on the Trikke Skki.
> Enjoy.  
> Edg

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