from the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas website - the Flower Adornment Sutra, 
commentary by Hsuan Hua:

"When you have advanced to a certain level in your cultivation, the demons will 
come to test you out, to see if you have any skill.

Demons come to polish the True Way;
Those on the True Way have to endure demons.
The more you're polished, the brighter you become;
The brighter you get, the more you must be polished.
You'll be polished until you're like the autumn moon,
Illumining all the demon hordes from space.
When the demon hordes are scattered,
The original Buddha manifests.

Cultivators should not fear demons. Demons just come to test you to see if you 
have gongfu [spiritual skill]. Right now there are many demons coming to test 
all of you: heavenly demons, earthly demons, human demons, ghostly demons, and 
demons of sickness. They are testing you to see if you are genuine or phony. If 
you are phony, the demons will leave you alone. If you are genuine, the demons 
will be subdued and will also leave you alone. It's only to be feared that you 
are partly genuine and partly phony. Then the demons will advance some and 
retreat some. They will get close to you, then draw away from you, then get 
close again, always hanging around you. Though they hang around, you need not 
be afraid. You can either become more genuine, or become more phony.

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