Brahmacharya (Celibacy); "A state of the individual where the life-force 
(prana) is always found directed upwards". MMY/Gita Appendix

Ojas is a Sanskrit word which literally means "vigor". According to the 
principles of Ayurveda, it is the essential energy of the body which can be 
equated with the "fluid of life". Those who practice Ayurveda say that Ojas is 
the sap of one's life energy which, when sufficient, is equated with immunity 
and, when deficient, results in weakness, fatigue and ultimately disease. (Wiki)

Samson was a Herculean hero undone by Delila (whom he has sex with) who 
discovered the secret of his great strength (which was his Ojas brought about 
through Celibacy) represented by his long hair, (my interpretation). A moral 
lesson of the Bible.

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