--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:

> Since it seems to have escaped a few people's attention, 
> my raps this week have been predominately about language.

No, they haven't been "about language." That's a
pathetically transparent excuse for insulting people
you don't like, as your posts usually do.

> I've been kinda channeling the spirit of Lenny Bruce and
> George Carlin.

To claim you're "channeling" the spirit of such
transcendent provocateurs as Bruce and Carlin is a 
pile o'crapola. You're trying to appropriate their
greatness to justify your compulsion to denigrate
and demean your peers, but you aren't anywhere near
big enough for that to be even remotely plausible.

You're a tiny, constricted, pinched, exceptionally
limited individual where spirit is concerned. If
the spirit of Bruce or Carlin were to channel itself
through you, it would fry you to a crisp.

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