--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
> Aahhh, the astral plane.  Yes, I'm familiar with this philosophy (i.e. it 
> exists).  We're all fucked, basically.  Unless you figure out how to clear 
> all your karma in this life.

Actually, you hit on a sensitive point Emily. In a sense we are all f#@ked, as 
you put it, until we achieve *redemption* from the entanglements 
(identification) with the objects of the senses.

MMY calls these entanglements *stresses*, they are the conscious and 
sub-conscious vices we all carry around since the fall in the Garden of Eden. 
MMY's lecture on this using the 'flower analogy' demonstrates this quite well, 
I prefer to call it the 'cookie analogy' as more people can relate to it.

We eat the cookie and become so caught up in the experience of eating the the 
cookie we lose our inner awareness of pure bliss, through identification with 
the cookie as our source of happiness we lose awareness of the ultimate 
reality, pure consciousness.

  Go for it.....and go and document all your progress here...why not?  
> ________________________________
>  From: wgm4u <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2012 5:57 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Will homosexuals go to heaven or hell?
> "When my Gay friend, Lee, died from full-blown AIDS, right before his death 
> before all his friends and relatives, he suddenly sat up in his death bed, 
> totally free from his excruciating pain, and clear as a bell said, with a 
> euphoric glow and bewildering smile on his face, "The angels... the angels, 
> they are here, they are coming for me.. to take me..." Then he died." (Web 
> post swipe)
> A nice account demonstrating that we are all God's children and God loves us 
> all, we are not punished *for* our sins but *by* our sins. 
> There is NO eternal Hell, there is no such thing. There IS however hellish 
> planes on the astral, where souls go to work out their karma from earth 
> before they re-incarnate.
> In Catholicism it is called purgatory, where, believe it or not, MOST people 
> go. Could it be called a hell? perhaps, but it is primarily a place of 
> 'purging' where souls go before they can ascend to HEAVEN where he/she 
> incorporates all the GOOD THINGS into their soul and then back to earth 
> enriched from their previous experiences, to continue the journey.
> When a person, of a very sensual/sexual nature dies, their strong desires 
> (whether they be 'gay' OR straight) cause them painful experiences on the 
> astral plane from their inability to fulfill their sensual desires (they no 
> long have a body, but still have all the desires and emotions associated with 
> it), after a certain amount of time of fruitless efforts to gratify that 
> desire they finally give up and resign themselves to their fate, finally they 
> ascend to 'heaven' where they, as said, experience all their good behavior.
> The purpose is to LEARN, from the good AND the bad, so, the moral of the 
> story is, far from being judgmental of our brother, we need to look at our 
> own fate and behavior in the light of truth and act accordingly.
> "Let He Who Has Not Sinned Cast the First Stone".
> Bible quote on the subject of not judging others, recognizing our own faults, 
> and forgiveness. John 8:4

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