> > they've set themselves up as salespersons for their 
> > cause - in this case Quantum Neo-vedism and Vedic 
> > creationism.
> >
> Anybody remember my attempting to sell either of 
> these?
It looks like Vaj got you confused with B. Alan Wallace, 
Vaj's guru. Apparently Vaj has never read or dialoged on 
alt.sci.skeptic - maybe Vaj gets all is information in 
private email. LoL!

"Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining." Judge Judy

"In the Vedic paradigm, the unified field is therefore not 
only the source of matter, but also-because it is pure 
consciousness-the source of mind. I is the common source 
of mind and body, of subjective experience and material 
creation." - B. Alan Wallace

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